Arm Your Staff with the Free Newspath Mobile App

The Newspath Mobile App – Arm Your Entire Station with our Free, Powerful Tool!

There are countless stories about how the Newspath Mobile App has been used to get great videos of breaking news and powerful weather stories, such as hurricanes, tornados, and even wildfires.

At the same time, the Newspath Mobile App has also provided stations with an easy way to get local video from graduations, local youth sports, and civic events.

No matter how you use the Newspath Mobile App, you can trust it to deliver video from your smartphone to your newsroom, and ONLY your newsroom can see it.

Because the video you send drops onto into your local station’s folder, it’s now in your newsroom workflow, right where it needs to be.

The best part? It’s FREE!

Just like you might download the latest Newspath PKG from Natalie Brand, you can also download your team’s smartphone video. And your team means EVERYONE at your station.

Give them all access to the Newspath Mobile App so they can get your newsroom video from all corners of your market. The sales team, your promotions department, even the GM – everyone can help you grow your newsgathering team by adding the NewspathMobile app to their smartphone.

The app is available both for iOS and Android smartphones.

Let our partners at VideoShip help you get started. Contact them and learn how to make the Newspath Mobile App a powerful local newsgathering tool.

Contact Larry Klein at or, by phone, at 917-885-2382.